Stand still moments

As the world takes a pause,
Take a moment or many and stand still.
Stand still to appreciate the tiny things
around us, that makes this life beautiful..
Beyond travel and luxury,
Adventure and entertainment….
The simple pleasures of life that seemingly get taken for granted.
Stand still to absorb it.
Stand still to fall in love with it.
Stand still to make it all yours,
As the world takes a pause,
Take a moment or many and stand still.
A black cloud may have taken over all our heads. But is this chronic illness all negatives? Is the hope to be running under the sun again a far-fetched thought? We suggest otherwise. Take this time to stand still and appreciate every moment. Become aware of your surroundings and take it all in one breath at a time. Pay close attention to the sound of silence that once got lost in the bustling noise of running engines. Look straight into the eyes of the moon and stars that almost faded away in the smog. Pay close attention to your mother’s laughter when your father tries a hand in the kitchen. Listen to the birds chirp happily as they sit on stronger branches with greener leaves. Take a moment to live in the now and not worry about the future. Listen to your grandma narrate a story from her youth, blast a song that once made feet hurt, call an old friend and ask how they are doing, there is so much that we have missed out on while chasing other things.
At Isprava, we urge you to let your time pass as slowly as possible. Just like it feels in an Isprava villa for sale in Goa, private villas for sale in Coonoor and villas for sale in Alibaug. The most certain thing is the time that we have right NOW. So stand still and take it all in.