5 ways Isprava cares about the environment

Mumbai to be submerged at whole by 2050! Delhi declares health emergency, titled pollution capital in the world! Cyclone Maha to hit the coast of Gujarat, fishermen in danger! For the first time in a while, Diwali to be showered with heavy rains! Destructive waves hit the borders of Marine lines late at night! Lately, these are the daily headlines carried by newspapers and channels.
The words of Greta Thunberg “Members of the U.N. for care more about money and "fairytales of eternal economic growth" than collapsing ecosystems, mass extinctions and people suffering due to climate change” have lost their way in the background.
The Oxford dictionary defines the term progress as “to improve or develop over a period of time’’. This definition seems to be doing utmost justice to all the economies of the world. However, the word has lost its meaning somewhere along the way. Progress is now a term that solely sets economical and individual benchmarks. The progress of a nation depends on its economic growth and advancement. However, there was a time when the meaning of progress of a nation was more exhaustive, it included economic, social, cultural, political and environmental growth. Overtime environmental growth has been side-lined; this has led to the terrors of climate change.
To be more precise, global warming denotes the mainly human-caused increase in global surface temperatures and its projected continuation. The effects of global warming include rising sea levels, regional changes in precipitation, more frequent extreme weather events such as heatwaves, and expansion of deserts.
Breathing amidst this polluted and terrifying air of climate change and global warming are some environmentally conscious individuals. These are the flag bearers of environmental conservation and of the movement and contribute to manifesting the environment. We build homes in pristine locations; however, we make sure to pay homage to the landscapes and surroundings of these locations. Here are the 5 ways of how Isprava is contributing towards healing the earth and making it a better place!
- Our private villas in Goa are made out of locally-sourced laterite and have sloping roofs to sustain the Goan weather.
- For our luxury villas in Coonoor, we maintain the natural topography of the land and pay homage to the landscapes.
- Every luxury holiday home of Isprava has a green count of over at least 300 planters, 75 trees and 250 shrubs.
- At all of Isprava’s private villas, we have incorporated rain-water harvesting systems and drip irrigation.
- We reuse, refurbish and repurpose furniture in all our homes. Our doors and windows are sourced from old heritage mansions and palaces, old post offices, etc. We also reuse and repurpose wood from old ship decks.
We want to foster an environment suitable for the positive growth and progress of the earth. It is our honest effort to maintain the sanctity of the clean air in Coonoor and keep the cool blue waters of Goa and Alibaug clean.
A major impact of both climate change and global warming is being seen in India. The capital city of Delhi has turned into a gas chamber. The state of Maharashtra is coping with a prolonged monsoon. The coasts of Gujarat are constantly threatened by the terrors of cyclones. Assam is facing extremes of floods and droughts. If these problems are not addressed immediately, the country may lead to a catastrophic end. We urge every individual to take measures in their hands to save our planet for there exist no PLANet B.
Picture Courtesy: abc.net, environmentdefensefund.com, zeenews.com, thenewsminute.com, news18.com, worldatlas.com