Interview with Reshmi Kshirsagar

If you have rented one of our homes in Goa then it is likely you have been in touch with Reshmi and were impressed by her warmth and dedication. A Guest Relations Executive, Reshmi is based in Goa where she helps turn our guest's dreams into reality. As much as she loves Goa, her first love will always be dancing as she was a student with Shiamak Davar for many years.
Tell us a bit about yourself, how did you end up at Isprava?
I was a Wedding Planner and a Stylist for 8 years before I joined Isprava. I was looking for something new where I could meet different people and help them make memories. While I was surfing through Facebook, I came across a post on “Networking Now India” that there was an opening at Isprava. That’s how my journey from Bombay to Goa began.
What is your role here?
I handle Guest Relations in Hospitality in Goa.
What is your favourite part of your role?
There are many! But the satisfaction that I get when I help people create memories; be it a birthday, bachelors/ bachelorette, anniversary or just a regular holiday, is undeniably the best.
Tell us a little bit about the culture at the office?
In my 9 years of working, I have never met such amazing people. There’s always a fun atmosphere in the office. Such hardworking, supportive, enthusiastic and smart co-workers; there is indeed so much to learn from each one of them.
Were you always inclined toward the luxury space? If so, how do you feel it evolving in India now?
Being a Taurean, I am into Venusian things, so naturally, I am inclined to luxury. Being from the Wedding Styling background, everything pretty and high-end has always been my first preference. Isprava in itself is one of a kind company in India.
Are you more a beach person who loves the energy of Goa or the tranquil calm of the lush Nilgiris?
I have never been to the Nilgiris, so definitely Goa for now.
What does luxury mean to Isprava?
Luxury for Isprava is very well defined. Beauty - of the location, Tradition - the way our homes are built, Nature – being close to it and Comfort – the ease and comfort we provide to the Homeowners and our Rental guests.
Rapid Fire
What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Switch off my alarm.
What are three things we will find on your desk?
My laptop, phone and my Isprava notebook.
Favourite vacation spot?
New Zealand
A celebrity you would like to have a drink with?
Oprah Winfrey
If you could have a holiday home anywhere, where would it be?
Favourite TV character?
Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones