Art, sculptures and all things luxury

Most just consider this part of interior design as an option or an afterthought. When in actuality, the inculcation of art should be regarded just as important as other décor elements. And it certainly is. While other elements bring a certain mood and definition to an indoor setting, including work of arts around the house brings all of that along with refinement, luxury, and character. At Isprava villas in Goa, Ooty, and Kotagiri, we make sure we use the enigmatic and emotive value of art pieces in them. And we encourage you to do the same. Here is how it can enhance the look of your home.
One thing that adds uniqueness to a room is its focal point. A statement wall art can be a great way to bring character and distinguish that space with the rest of the house. A luxe piece of sculpture or a show piece that adds definition to an area will be a neutral way to augment the ambience of an abode without compromising on the simplicity factor.
Wall painting or photographs are a great way to add some a pop of colour to an interior. Go for pieces that reflect your personality and resonate with the rest of your house, but with hints of bright hues.
Visual Appeal
In a house brimming with technology and superficial design and aesthetics, having some emotive art would be like a breath of fresh air. Incorporate artful décor in prominent areas of the room to cast some visual appeal in contrast to furnishings and fabrics.
Vintage Elegance
Archaic sculptures and art pieces bring the kind of elegance that is not just contemporary but also vintage in a living space. They create a classic vibe in the house teamed with some sophistication.
There is a perpetual source of inspiration and creative stimulation with the presence of art elements in a home. There is never dullness of thinking and expression, but only a constant state of motivation and imagination.
There is truly no design feature as raw and as magnetic as art. It not only reels in luxuriousness but also a sense of insightful brilliance!