Interior lighting trends for your Diwali refurbishment

They say that your surroundings have a great impact on your mood, which means that your home plays a major role here. Filling it with the most positive of vibrations with lights is something we follow ourselves. Now, that the festivities have begun, you would invest some time and effort in giving your living space a makeover.
With the festival of lights, Diwali on the calendar, it only makes sense to incorporate newness and positivity with interior illumination. To guide you through the same, here are the top five lighting trends!
Not just geometric light fixtures but also geometric lamps are a great rage in interior designing today. If you’re looking at inculcating an element into your house that is neither over-stepping nor minimal, then geometric lights will grace your space well with that balance.
LED Light
Efficient with longer lifespan, LED lights exhibit a distinct kind of peace and aura. One can install these trending lights in bedrooms or corridors to add to the festive essence of the season.
Statement Chandeliers
If there is one quick way to reel in character to a home, it’s with the usage of statement lights. Capable of stealing the show, these lights look magnificent in the living room or above the dining table.
White Dome Lamps
While most of the lighting trends convey a prominent essence, these subtle, white, dome-shaped lamps are meant for a quieter impact. Land one next to the bed and have its serene illumination give you company.
Edison bulbs
Slowly gaining popularity amongst restaurants and commercial sectors, these are also venturing into house properties. With their versatility of being able to fit into a rustic interior as well as modern, these lights look ideal in the dining area.
Although investing in these trending lights can be quite a joyous task, too much or too less can dramatically stain the impact. The trick is to balance it with other interior elements and look at the functionality and the location. Our luxury holiday homes have been designed with that balance, which reflects through the positivity our guests feel in them!