Home Is Where The Heart Is

Isprava homes are a seamless blend of the stylish and the socially-conscious. A strong believer of conserving energy and nature while living in this highly tech-savvy age, Isprava is working towards sustainable homes through solar paneling.
8Minutenergy, run by 8Minutes Future Energy Pvt. Ltd, works closely with Isprava to turn their homes into green spaces of clean energy. Isprava homes have been unique in that they’re immensely luxurious, tastefully designed, packed with modern amenities and environmentally conscious. The idea of using solar panels to bring down one’s carbon footprint and soaring power bill in the process, fit perfectly with Isprava’s idea of the modern home.
Says 8Minutes co-founder Arjun Srihari, “From a sustainability perspective, solar panels and decentralized renewable energy (where a home can be taken off-grid) is the future. There's no doubt about it. To be a responsible citizen and aware of your carbon footprint while still leading a life with the luxuries and conveniences one is used to, means that you can look nowhere else but Rooftop Solar. Additionally, contrary to popular belief solar panels can add to the aesthetic of a home. If designed in the right way, they can augment the facade rather than diminish it. Elon Musk's solar roofs are only the beginning in what is going to usher in a whole host of innovations with respect to how we design and construct sustainable homes.”
The company is currently working on an almost 1,000-sq.-ft. unobstructed and shadow-free space for an Isprava home for a 10kW installation.
No 3 letters have captured India’s imagination and every conversation than GST. The Goods & Services Tax is now in full force and like most sectors, affects the luxury homes one too. With Isprava committed to making the process of buying a home as effortless as possible, and GST bringing in a great deal of clarity, there’s no better time than now.
“GST is proving to be a boon to the residential capital and rental markets in India. With GST coming into effect from 1st of July, 2017 the demand in this sector will see a high primarily due to a lot more clarity on taxes and their structure and availability of input set off credit to the builders,” says Nibhrant Shah, Founder and CEO, Isprava.
GST requires a company to be registered in the states it is operational. Being aware of this, Isprava has gotten all related registration formalities completed, months in advance. The team at Isprava has also been in touch with all the vendors, service providers and contractors to share their GST registration numbers with them; in some cases even assisting and helping them with registration formalities and procedures to ensure that Isprava’s supply and distribution is completely GST compliant.
From handling some of the top roles to being the creative core of the Isprava way of style, our women employees are irreplaceable members of our work family. Recognizing that women are a case study in work-life balance matters, Isprava makes it its mission to ensure that our women employees are well looked after.
The women to men ratio is 1:1 making it one of the most gender-equal spaces to work at. With women on board, most of whom holding designations such as Sales, Marketing & Operations Executive, Guest Relationship Manager, Head of Marketing etc, Isprava is in the safe, decisive and nurturing hands of our lady bosses.
Says Asmita Kothari, Sales Executive, “The people I work with make the process of working so much fun. It’s like working for your family, which makes me feel like I am working on something that belongs to me. I don’t get the feeling of working on something which I am not connected to. Isprava exposes you to world knowledge and realities of life, even while working on a real estate project.”
Feminism is often a misunderstood word, with most people presuming it is a synonym for men-hating. In its truest sense, feminism is about equal rights and Isprava recognizes itself as decidedly feminist. Says Ayushi Valia, Marketing Executive, “It’s not like Isprava has carved out roles for women. It is gender-neutral and that’s fundamental to the idea of feminism. Neither have I been given a task ‘because’ I am a woman, nor has being a woman been a deterrent to my growth here.”
Being modern and eco-friendly need not be mutually exclusive. Isprava has constantly endeavored to be tasteful and responsible in equal measure. No surprise then that eco-friendly materials are used to build Isprava homes.
The importance of sustainability and the need to be sensitive to one’s surroundings are cornerstones of eco-conscious design. When Isprava says its flooring is timeless, it isn’t a tall claim. Our wooden floorings are known to last for decades as we use teak wood, while our stone pot washbasins can last a century.
Our designers keep a keen focus on getting more natural light into Isprava homes to make even modern living seem organic and natural. Increasingly today, architects are briefed by clients to do their bit to be eco-friendly.
Isprava homes, for instance, incorporate a series of measures to reduce carbon footprints wherever possible. From solar paneling, and rain-water harvesting solutions, to using aesthetics in aged wood and antique furniture to give a green and classic finish, Isprava ensures that luxury isn’t enjoyed at the cost of natural resources. We also attempt, wherever possible, to use natural alternatives to commonly-used chemicals.